Feb 28, 2010


在两年前,我认识了你。刚开始认识的时候,我们彼此正在摸索着, 适应着对方的性格, 至到我们俩了解了对方。 因为了解,我们的关系系得更紧了。我不敢说,我和你曾经有过有难同当的日子。不过,我要你知道,当你有困难时,我就在你身旁,我的肩膀随时都可以成为你的靠岸, 我会挺你的。当我发现无法帮到你时,我会一直又一直地提醒着你要注意的事项,就像老妈子在女儿身旁不停的唠叨,希望你不要嫌烦。这只是我的情不自禁和本能。


希望你们永远是零距离, 还有很多的三年要一起过。祝幸福,快乐。

Feb 27, 2010

Digi PROMOTION: Student Package - RM58 per month with free modem

Now Digi Discover Broadband (3GB) is having a promotion (in Ipoh and Kuching) for students between 18 to 25 years old.

Student price is only RM58 / month with free modem.

No extra charge, no activation fee, no installation fee.

Download speed: 700kbps.

Upload speed: 200kbps

Usage is 3GB.
Usage can be tested here.

If the usage is more than 3GB, the speed will become EDGE (up to 128kbps) with no extra charges for EDGE connection.

While registering this package, student will have to pay RM100 (RM58 is monthly fee + RM42 will be carried forward to the next month). The student only has to pay RM16 for the next month.

Promotion until 31 March 2010.

This is the information that I get from DIGI service counter and website. I am thinking of registering this package. There are more information. By accepting the free modem, the user is required to use it for one year. If the user wants to terminate the service within the period of time, he will have to make a payment (RM15 x remaining month) for the modem.

Feb 18, 2010

Holiday Mood

Today, I need to start doing my assignments. I only have two days to complete my two BIG BIG assignments. Other small small one I leave them after Chinese New Year la. This Saturday, I am going to have a gathering lunch with my friends before we all go back to our stress life.

However, I am still in holiday mood.

"I cannot always be like this! Have to wake up! Or else, I will be stressed after this! Tonnes of assignments, projects and exams!"

I need to determine myself. I need to force myself to concentrate to my work.


Feb 17, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year + Happy Valentine Day

Happy Chinese New Year!! 新年快乐!!

Happy Chinese New Year!

这是个迟来的祝福。 祝大家在新的一年里心想事成,事事顺利,最重要的是人人身体健康。