Mar 25, 2010









以上三句可充分的表现出我的感想。有时候,现实真的会让人感到力不从心。不能完全的掌握现状, 让我对它感到忧心。

人永远是自私的。先确保自己安全, 才会理他人。我不否认,我也承认我是自私的。

我到现在能真正体会到自己是如此的坏。我应该要会替人着想,想想为什么这个人要这样说话,为什么这个人要做出这样的行动。会不会是因为没有安全感,所以要一直重复问同样的问题,来确保自己是对的呢?但是,一直做出这样的一个举动,真的是会让我的免疫系统,潜意识里,自行产生抵抗力, 以面对和抵抗外来的病变细菌。

病变细菌让我没力了,很累了。可是,又想挽回这个细菌。不知该怎么办。 该放生它,还是收留它?

Mar 24, 2010




之前小小被刺的伤口, 慢慢的,一个一个的化成脓。因为一个点,让蠢蠢欲动的火山一次过爆发了起来, 无法收拾。每个所作的举动,所说的话,都会联想到 “为什么要这么做?为什么要这样说”。

这一端一直在猜想另一端的原意;另一端似乎一直都不知道自己到底做错了什么, 说一样事情之前,没考虑他人的处境, 注意力只摆在自己的利益。人自私, 为自己,不能说是完全错的。但是,也不要自私到不顾别人的处境。 何必成为他人的吵架的主因呢?


Mar 14, 2010


刚才午睡时,做了一场恶梦。梦到我星期五好不容易交好了个人报告,那天就让自己休息一天,星期六再继续写其他的报告。到了星期六当天,才发现星期一要交另一个报告。可是,我却一个字都还没开始写。 梦到这里,我就吓得再也睡不下去了,赶紧起身去检查记录,还好,只是虚惊一场。真的是幸好只是一场梦。

Mar 11, 2010

Angry with the Stupid Planning

Just now i went for our LI (Latihan Industri)'s meeting. Group leader said the amount that we need to pay is RM550. Now is how ar? Very rich ha? No place to spend ha? Then find this kind of method to spend the money or else the money will become rubbish la.

Air ticket RM210. Know how the AJK check for the price? Check from Internet! Group of 44 members want to go to JOHOR, check from Internet on the air ticket price, how can reduce cost? Told them that senior during the last meeting months ago even said that in order to get get free or less expensive air ticket must straight go to the AirAsia counter or agency to negotiate with the price. Their response was "Yakah? Ada katakah?" Oh, god. this kind of important thing also will forgot?

And, they said if we really want to find sponsors on the fee, we can do so. But we cannot use the group's and faculty's name to find sponsor. If we can't use group's and faculty's name to find, who want to sponsor us?! Want to ask them, "who want to sponsor you if you are nobody!"

RM550 includes air ticket, transportation, food and staying place. Food, we can buy ourselves, leave it to us. The food they always buy is so expensive but not delicious at all. If we buy ourselves, the cost that we need to pay will definitely lower. About the staying place. HEI!! We apply for staying in UTM! That is government university, not Five-star private university! Why need to pay so much? The amount that we need to pay for this seems like we are staying in FIVE-STAR HOTEL!!

Before this, in the last meeting with the experienced adviser, we all agreed that our fee is RM200 and he said that RM200 x 44 persons is more than enough.

This morning, we heard from our group secretary that our fee will be increased to around RM300. When we heard this news, we all have a small "Wah!".

This evening, the leader said our fee will be increased to RM550. We all have a BIG "Wah!".
The higher the position the person who told us about the news, the bigger the amount we need to pay. What theory is this?

And, why we must visit 10 companies? Why the trip we must go for 6 days? Why don't reduce the number of companies we have to visit? Why don't shorten the duration of the trip? They are started to get permission from 10 companies. They plan to visit 10 companies in 6 days, 2 companies for each day. Is they expect that the whole organization will stop doing their work and just to serve us? Why we not just visit 3 or 4 companies in 3 days? Then, everything settle. Reduce cost!! RM 550 is really too much!

Everything haven't get the approval. No approval from the Dean. No approval from UTM. No approval from the organizations. Nothing!!!

Mar 9, 2010



而我对交友的信念是:经了解之后,还能接受他的一切,那么,这段友情是可以深交下去的。反之,这段友情就像是一片非常脆弱的玻璃,一碰到其地雷,就会“碰!”, 爆炸!因此,对这种类型的关系,我通常都是少碰为妙, 因为你永远都不会知道哪边是黑色地带,哪边是白色安全地带。。每次面对面时,无法放轻松开怀畅谈大笑,是非常辛苦的。整天都要思考“为什么这样?”,“为什么那样?”,“为什么要这么说?”, “什么事情是不可以碰到的?”。。。啊!!很累啊!!放过我啦!!

我们之间的关系越来越敏感了,敏感到稍微一提,发炎的地方还未好,又受伤了。今天,事情虽然不是发生在我身上,但是,那种感觉却被触碰了。我的泪腺,突然活跃了起来。 但是,忍住,我要忍住!(吸口气!放轻松!)


但是,如果这情况再这样下去,还找不到解决的方法时,围墙要开始建立了,当普通的邻居就好了。 当比普通的邻居更好的邻居时,它的反效果我承当不起, 我不想患有一种叫 “想太多综合症”!

Mar 6, 2010


Tiredness is increasing, stress is increasing, satisfaction is decreasing...

Submissions of assignments and final exams are getting nearer and nearer.

I need to strive hard to get good result for this semester.

Jia you!!!!