Jan 24, 2010

Assignment FLOOD

Busy with assignments.

Need to complete 4 assignments, 1 exercise, 1 case study, 1 presentation and more unknown assignments and projects..

Now, the exercise and case study are completed....

Don't know how to start to do the rest... Especially Research Methodology. Feel like need to prepare two thesis for this course. Oh, god!!! The due date is getting nearer and nearer.

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I feel happy with my Ethnic Relationship's group. Although we are from various types of ethnic groups, we worked together and tried our best to complete our Assignment 1. We went to a Malay village last Saturday and were having fun there. We learned how to fish too. Really enjoy working with them. We took tonnes of photos...

Four of us all become darker after that day. Haiz....

The last photo in the village before were going back.

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